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Expert Clinical Assessments


We provide a range of disability assessments including FCA and other specialist assessments evaluating disability and functional impairment.   


Functional Capacity Assessments (FCA) evaluate how an individual is able to function in their everyday life including daily tasks at home, work, and within the community. 


They are required by:


-  Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) as an evaluation of how impairments impact daily functioning

-  NDIS and NDIA for supporting evidence during access applications, plan reviews and change of circumstances to understand how a disability affects daily life and what supports, equipment, modification and care is required to live safely


Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Supported Disability Accommodation (SDA) evaluate the types of supports which are required to live safely and the type of dwelling which enable the individual to do so.


Our reports are widely accepted and are aligned with NDIA criteria requirements.


Each assessment is tailored, individualised and performed in the home or appropriate environment to evaluate personal abilities and the functional impact of impairments.

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